Why WTZ Roßlau?
Practical try outs. Plan your future.
As a student, you will find that WTZ Roßlau is a reliable partner for the future. You will have many opportunities to test your knowledge and get a feel for working life with us. These experiences will make it easier for you to decide to take the plunge, so to speak.
Apply today. Start tomorrow.
We will look after your future career with you. We will provide you with practical, valuable knowledge from experienced colleagues. And also the opportunity to secure a future career in our company. If you perform satisfactorily during an internship or in your role as a working student, we would be pleased to put together plans for the future together. We look forward to receiving your application at info@wtz.de!
Invest your time. Gain knowledge.
WTZ Roßlau generally offers three to six month paid internships in the technical or commercial area. From construction, calculation/simulation to development in the engine department to finances and human resources – a wide range of vacancies and opportunities are available.
Technical pre-study internships for prospective students can also be carried out.
Half-student, half-employee. But fully occupied.
Your job as a working student at WTZ Roßlau is a well-rounded matter: You will get to know our company, collect valuable experience, finance your studies and prove your commitment to us by completing various tasks. Take advantage of the optimal combination of demanding theory at university and informative practical work.
Gain practical experience.
We look for working students during term time or the holidays. You can look forward to lively participation in one of our teams from the technical or commercial area. You will have the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience and obtain new contacts for the future.
We are looking forward to your speculative application at info@wtz.de!
Get started in a team.
Are you approaching the end of your degree course? You can complete the success that you have achieved so far with a technically well-engineered dissertation, supported by our knowledge and our range of practical tasks!
Driving ahead with current topics.
You will work on current research topics as an active member of our team. Your knowledge will be monitored, further developed and put into practice by us right from the start. We look forward to receiving your application at info@wtz.de