DIGITAL INNOVATION- Optimization of digital processes at WTZ Roßlau

Description of project
Due to the approval of the Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt, the project "DIGITAL INNOVATION - Optimization of digital processes in the WTZ" could officially start on 01.09.2021. This support is financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The aim of the DIGITAL INNOVATION project at WTZ Roßlau gGmbH is to expand and supplement the existing software infrastructure. In this context, it is important to facilitate the processes in the handling and accounting of the funding topics and to adapt them to the advancing digitalization. Furthermore, it is necessary to create an interface between the existing ERP system and the funding project management. For this purpose, requirements for the data that can be exported from the ERP system must be determined and possible programming adjustments to the existing software must be made.
The management of grant projects will also be facilitated by the introduction of a document management system (DMS). This enables the audit-proof storage of documents and the implementation of a newly definable workflow, which includes the handling of electronic documents. In addition to facilitating funding project management, the DM system represents a part of the overall solution and, due to digitization, is a basic building block for generating new processes for the company.
In order to enable as many employees as possible to use these optimizations, additional hardware components are being funded by the project executing agency. This gives the STC the opportunity to adapt its existing structures to the newly emerging processes and keep pace with the ongoing digitization.