WTZ Roßlau gGmbH is a non-profit research institute in the field of engine technology and energy systems. We implement innovative research projects independently or in joint projects.
Building on decades of experience in the research and development of high-performance engines, as well as diesel and gas engines, a flexible team with interdisciplinary expertise is available at the WTZ.
We are working with our partners on innovations for the future. To date, a total of 130 development projects have been realized in the WTZ Roßlau.
The aim of these publicly funded research projects is to reduce CO2 emissions, both through improved combustion processes in diesel and gas engines and through the increased use of alternative fuels such as hydrogen, methanol and ammonia.
In particular, the increasing use of renewable energies is an important element of our research activities. At WTZ Roßlau, we invest in solutions for sustainable progress, for a climate-neutral environment.